Targeted Therapy Planning & Tracking with AI based Recommendations for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Revolutionizing Therapy Planning & Tracking with AI based Recommendations

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Session Mate Awarded App

AI Based Recommendations

Session Mate is an innovative AI based Mobile Application that uses Video and Speech Analytics to identify deficits of ASD children

Our Mission

Our team of experts has developed Session Mate to provide a Comprehensive Solution for Therapists and Caregivers of ASD children. Session Mate is Therapy Technique Agnostic and can be used across all settings in Therapy Centre, Schools and Home

Targeted Therapy Planning

Goal Tracking

Therapy planning for ASD children is specific to the child. Session Mate mines through its rich dataset to suggest recommended Therapies

One of the most crucial aspects in Therapy administration is tracking the progress. Session Mate has state-of-the-art tracking mechanism

While there are multiple approaches to manage Sensory Issues , Speech delays and other issues commonly observed in ASD children, the primary challenge faced by Therapist and Caregivers alike is - Targeted Therapy Planning, Tracking & Strategizing

Current Challenges

Who can benefit from this ?

Therapy Centers

session mate child doing hand painting
session mate child doing hand painting

Special Needs Department at

Schools and Hospitals

A caregiver is the child's first teacher and spends most of the time with the child. It is imperative that the caregiver is equipped and sensitized to handle special child needs.

Therapy Planning and evaluating strategies for smooth functioning of therapy centers. Having meaningful discussions with caregivers

Session Mate helps in comprehensive assessment and therapy planning for Institutional Special Child Centres taking into account overall aspects of the child


session mate varied colors of creativity
session mate varied colors of creativity
session mate soothing tactile input
session mate soothing tactile input

If your child is showing early signs of neuro divergent growth, don't delay. Talk to us today!

Contact Us

Get in touch with us to learn more about Session Mate and how it works for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder


(+91) 991-099-7083
